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S1 E1404/25/23

When Abby Met Gabby

Neil's crush on Abby is making things uncomfortable for everyone, but Abby sees a way out when she meets a love from his past who just happens to be newly available (Melissa Villaseñor). Gurgs fails to protect Dan from an unruly member of the gallery.

TV-PGComedy Primetime Full Episode
Appearing:Melissa RauchJohn LarroquetteIndia de BeaufortKapil Talwalkar
Available until 01/18/24
Tags: night court, nbc night court, night court reboot, Melissa Rauch, abby stone, John Larroquette, dan fielding, India de Beaufort, olivia, kapil talwalkar, Neil, lacretta, donna gurgs gurganos, night court 2023, season 1 episode 14, when abby met gabby, Melissa Villasenor
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